Questions about our SEO services for photographers? Take a look at the questions below that are commonly asked to our team!

Frequently Asked Questions

SEO Expert for Photographers

FAQ about working with us

Do you guarantee Google rankings with working with you?

We do not guarantee a #1 spot on Google. No SEO company can guarantee you a #1 spot on Google without paid advertising. And, we won't either. Because of so many algorithm changes and your competition always changing, be careful of any SEO company guaranteeing high placement on Google for your keywords.

Implementing a successful SEO strategy is worth the time, and patience is key.

what if I have more than one photography specialty?

No problem! If there's one specific one you'd like to focus on in your work with us, just let us know.

In an effort to make sure you have the best SEO strategy, we'd recommend focusing on no more than three niches in your SEO strategy.

What if my photography specialty isn't newborns, family or weddings?

Reach out to us anyway! There are some photography specialties that don't pull a ton of traffic from Google, simply because they're incredibly niched or not often searched.

That said, don't hesitate to reach out to us and inquire if you're interested in working with us!

do you have any seo certifications?

We do! We have multiple certifications from Google and SEMRush, including: Google Ads Search Certification, GA4 for SEO, Local SEO, and SEO Strategy for In-House Marketers.

FAQ about SEO

do I need to blog for better seo?

While blogging can significantly enhance your SEO efforts by providing fresh content, targeting diverse keywords, and engaging an audience, it’s not the only way to achieve SEO success. That said, blogging is a great way to show off your portfolio and show your prospective clients that your website continues to stay up to date!

The decision to blog should be based on your capacity to maintain it and we can help you determine if blogging will likely help in your marketing efforts.

how long does it take for seo to work?

It's common to see some minor improvements within the first few weeks or months, but it can often take months to see substantial improvements in search rankings. Remember, you do have competition who is likely also working on their SEO, too!

The key is to understand that SEO is a marathon, not a sprint, and consistent effort is required to see desirable results.

do my images need to be named/sized a certain way for seo?

They sure do! 

To make it as easy as possible for you, though, just download this freebie.

can I rank for multiple locations? what if I travel?

It's possible! With the proper SEO strategy, you can have the possibility of ranking for locations that are local to you and locations that are dream locations to shoot.

It'll be important to identify these locations and whether you work with us or do the work on your own, make sure you find keywords that are destination-specific.